Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Brother and Sister in-law are here and summers coming soon

Hi everybody I have to say I've been absoluty terrible at posting why have a blog without posting on it? Well, anyways my Brother and Sister in-law are here,(so exciting) They flew in from Ohio! We've been having a blast, for example: Watching Napoleon Dynmite, playing cards, and Visiting with family. And I'm soooo excited that spring is here!


  1. That sounds super awesome! =D I loooove spring. And it was great to have you guys over to decorate eggs. =) I had a blast.

    And one more thing... YOU NEED TO POST MORE. Hmph. =P

  2. How was your visit with your brother and sister-in-law?

    Don't worry about not posting often...I hardly ever post on mine! :P

    I love you. Tell everybody I miss them. :)
